Excellence - Authenticity - Humility

Executive Coaching

Having an experienced executive coach is a valuable asset when it comes to achieving your goals. In my three decades of coaching executives, leaders, academicians, and managers, I have witnessed and received first-hand feedback (see testimonials) on the immense experience and value gained through the coaching process.

Working without an executive coach can be like operating a vehicle without mirrors. An executive coach can help you identify your blind spots objectively, which often play a significant role in the downfall of many leaders. Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, and Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google, to name but a few, all attest to how coaching helped them elevate their leadership skills, bringing their vision to fruition on a broader scale throughout their teams, their organizations and the their part of the world.

As an executive coach, I will help you think critically. A good critical mind separates the wheat from the chaff. As a leader, you know the importance of separating that which is truly valuable from that which isn’t. This allows for clear thinking, giving you solid ground from which to stand on and make decisions.

Great leaders have great ideas AND it is important to prune and select the best ideas before you put them out into the world, with your team. Great ideas without thought to execution creates a burn of resources, time, and people. Too many “pivots” leads to lack of credibility and at worst, trust.

Working in-tandem, we will make sure your ideas, strategy and execution can stand up to the test of success before launching. We will sift through the erroneous and counterproductive pieces in session, which will shorten the runway to execution-success in the field. I will work with you in a highly personal and professional way that will create synergy in your leadership. Your role and how you show up in your role determines the success of your company, your teams, your career, your relationships, and more.

Want to study up a bit more on the value of executive coaching, see these articles.
6 Ways An Executive Coach Can Make You More Successful
Why great leaders have a coach behind them
#8 Key Reasons Why Every CEO Must Have a Coach
9 Reasons Leaders Are Hiring Executive Coaches, And What Happens Next?