Excellence - Authenticity - Humility

Core Values

When you are showing up at your best, you are operating in awareness of your core values. This means you keep your values at the top of your mind and make decisions regarding how you drive your thoughts, what you choose to believe, and how you prioritize your actions based on alignment to your core values.

You see, we go about life knowing that we are ‘human beings’, but yet we operate and define ourselves based on what we are ‘human doings'. Defining and living by your core values, creates alignment between who you are being while you go about your doing. That is critically important to living a life full out, being a trusted human, being rock solid and experiencing your best self. Operating from this place unlocks tremendous freedom and peace; knowing you are true to yourself and to those around you while holding nothing back!

Your mind is an amazing tool capable of solving complex problems, storing vast amounts of information, and analyzing data to draw conclusions. However, most of the 'thoughts' we have at any given time are really just the chattering of the voices in our head, or the ego. We all know the voices - the internal critic, the parent, the advisor, the sceptic and the judge and jury. The ego's thoughts are very biased and uber influenced by mood, feelings, fad of the day, wanting to be liked, etc. At times your mind can be aided by positive psychology, but often times positive thinking is like putting a band-aid on an infected wound. When you are not in alignment with your core, not acting, making decisions from your core, then you can’t just ‘change your mindset’ and make all things better. Awareness of your core values helps you weed through the conflicting voices in your head and make choices aligned with your true essence and not the crazy ranting of your ego mind. Your mindset is like the tip of the iceberg, it is influenced by what is beneath the surface of the iceberg-in this case, your core values.

How many times have you gotten a pep talk, or had a dream, read a good book to inspire you, gotten hard on yourself to make you live the life you want, get the mindset to set you up for success, only to feel like a failure because your mind wasn’t tough enough to get you from “Here” to “there”? You see, since the core of you - your core values - are your foundation, all things, mindset, decisions, actions, behaviors, must operate in alignment and on behalf of your core. that is what will set you free my friends, Your core values will form the foundation that will have you standing taller; they will have you be seen at your very best because you will be operating at your very best.


Your core values are something you will take a stand for, even tho you know you may lose the fight, because you know you win in the end - because you chose what matters.
— Dr. Dea


The mind is like an iceberg, it floats with one-seventh of its bulk above water. It’s power lies from what is six-sevenths below the water, core values
— adapted from Sigmund Freud by Dr. Dea