Excellence - Authenticity - Humility

Dr. Dea

I am a human science psychologist, coach, consultant, speaker, writer, health and wellness enthusiast.


I am vigilant in my  pursuit of excellence. I seek conscious authenticity in myself and others and solemnly seek humility within myself.

I grew up living in many small towns, a few Indian reservations and a few country-side dwellings between South Dakota and Wyoming.  When I say, “many” and “a few”, I am talking about 20 towns by the time I was 16.  Post high school, I didn’t lose the travel bug, but was at choice and wanted to discover the world so that wherever I settled, I would do so by choice. Those moves have taken me to a few and have had the privilege of traveling the world. 

People often ask, “oh was your dad in the military?” and I responded, “No, he was a bi-polar and schizophrenic who self-medicated with alcohol.”  It really isn’t a sad story, yes some sad, bad shit happened, but it made me who I am today and for that I am really quite grateful.  That being said, it is God - my actual dad, who took the bad and used it to produce good.  So what gives me meaning is helping others who are searching, who have the courage to get real so they recognize and lose the ego so they can discover their organic self.  I endured lots of abuse growing up, witnessing and experiencing violence, which bred an internal strength, coupled with a deep sadness; that forced me to seek the meaning of life as God intended, versus the circumstances given. Through that search, I found the root of goodness and hope that sustains a foundation of an unshakeable force. 

Bigger than what is on paper in terms of what I have done and/or DOING in life, I prefer to talk about who I have been and continue to BE in life, while I am doing life. 

Isn’t it interesting that we are called Human BEINGS and yet we walk around identifying ourselves by what we are DOING.  Think of it, you are at a party or meeting somebody for the first time.  You ask, “what do you do"?” and somehow that defines us.  I have tried to switch that up and will occasionally ask, “who are you being?”  Then 100% of the time, an awkward moment follows. 

The organic self is the truth you had before you were born. It is installed in your DNA and is what makes you, well… YOU. Through life’s experiences, the beliefs of the tribe you grew up in, the familial and societal values that have surrounded you - parts of your true self have been morphed into a filtered version of you, let's say, a more watered down version of you. 

The way you show up better in life, in business, in the world is by showing up as the true you - that is what I am here to help you with.

Below, I have included my professional details, not because I am looking to impress, rather to provide assurance that I do have the education and experience to match my passion. When I hire somebody to help me, I am looking for someone with the know-how, the heart and the experiences to navigate in the real world.

In 2010, I graduated summa cum laude, PhD in Human Sciences with an emphasis on PsychoSocial well-being. Dissertation: Coaching Efficacy with Academic Leaders, A Psychological Phenomenological Investigation. 1999, graduated summa cum laude, MS in Counseling.

In 2004, I earned my coaching credentials at Coaches Training Institute, 2006 graduated from CTI leadership institute and in 2023 graduated from the Center of Executive Coaching. I am International Coach Federation PCC certified. 

I have more than 29 years of experience in the human behavior field, over 10 years as an executive and have served as an internal coach for government and corporate for the past 17 years. My executive coaching experience has been with CEOs and other C-Suite executives, leaders, directors and managers in North America, Europe, Asia and Australia.  My superpower is helping others succeed - it is my passion. My years of experience as an executive and internal coach along with my education allows for opportunity in looking at your leadership, career and life.

I also have a love for life coaching. While it is true life coaching is a part of Executive Coaching, there is another path of emphasis on life coaching for those people who really want to know who they are at a deep level and to become the best version of themselves for themselves. My years as a psycho-therapist coupled with my years of coaching gives me experience and tools to help you live your truth. Most of all, my heart is with you.

For other certifications see my resume


University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE
Ph.D. in Psychology/Human Science - Cumma Sum Laude - 2010/Dissertation: Coaching Efficacy, 1979 downloads.

University of Nebraska at Kearney, Kearney, NE
Masters in Counseling - Cumma Sum Laude - 1999

University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY
Bachelor of Science/Child and Family Studies - 1993


  • Graduate of Co-Active Leadership. Coaches Training Institute (CTI). 

  • Graduate of Omaha Leadership. City of Omaha.

  • Non-Profit Leadership Graduate. Non-Profit of the Midlands.

  • Korn Ferry Leadership Architect. Korn Ferry.

Affiliations & Certifications

  • International Coach Federation member 

  • Coaches Training Institute alumni & member

  • Center of Executive Coaching student & member

Licensures & Certifications

  • Mental Health Practitioners (LMHP), license (inactive),#2294. State of Nebraska

  • Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC). Coaches Training Institute. Endorsed by International Coach Federation (ICF).

  • Certified Executive Coach. Center for Executive Coaching, ICF endorsed.

  • Board Certified Coach, only available for Master Degree and higher. (BCC)

  • Leadership Coach Certification. Center of Executive Coaching, ICF endorsed.

  • Business Coach Certification, Center of Executive Coaching, ICF endorsed.

  • Professional Certified Coach (PCC), ICF.

  • Certified Outcomes and Key Results Coach. Workboard.

  • Reality Based Leadership Facilitator. Cy Wakeman.

  • Dynamic Framework Facilitator. Australia. Academy of Talent Dynamics.

  • Certified Master Instructional Designer. Association of Talent Development.

  • Certified Return on Investment-Human Capital & Learning. Association of Talent Dev.

  • Certified Korn Ferry Leadership Architect

For other professional and educational information see my resume