Excellence - Authenticity - Humility

Excellence . Authenticity . Humility

Dr. Dea


Stop searching for a truth, instead live yours and be free

Just like your fingerprint has no match with another, even in identical twins, so too with your truth. You are not simply one in a million, you are that one with infinity. Uniquely you, in the way you lead yourself, your family and your work. Your individual combination of core values, beliefs, thoughts, preferences, talents, and passions were embedded in your DNA before your birth. Dr. Dea calls this your organic truth and she describes it as the truth you had before you were born

Dr. Dea is a human science psychologist, coach, author, speaker, consultant and thought leader. Her insight, experience and wisdom will allow for a deep understanding of what it is you really want, then hold a space while at the same time challenge you into action as you discover and lead from your place of organic truth. You will be grounded in confidence and lifted with purpose, your purpose. She will work with you to find your why, identify your what, and figure out your how.

Dr. Dea created a word to describe what she is striving for while she works in thought leadership and side by side with those she coaches and consults. The word is TeOusia (tay-O-see-ah). It means “the essence of that which is truly real.©” She is searching behind your words used, the strategies you employ, your story, the stories of others connected to you, your beliefs, thoughts, and behaviors. Always mining for your organic truth to uncover your inherent power so you can empower your life. 

Your organic truth can never leave you, nobody can ever take it from you, if you are wondering where it is, that’s simple, it is simply where you last left it, betrayed it, or let others betray it. Your organic truth, when tapped into, gives you an experience of freedom to face the world with strength, resonance, and peace all the while embodying grounded, humble power.



Areas of Practice


life coaching

Dr. Dea set out to be a pioneer in mind, body, soul development by discovering and grounding herself in organic truth. She brings to your sessions 14+ years as a psychotherapist and 20+ years as a life coach. She uses your core values paired with a  cognitive behavioral approach to unearth your organic truth so you can empower yourself. Together, you will co-actively examine the circular relationship among thoughts, feelings, and behaviors so you can reshape beliefs, thoughts and behaviors in alignment with your core values.

Public speaking

Dr. Dea has 20 years experience teaching and speaking on mental health, coaching and leadership to executives, postgraduate academicians and business professionals.

She is excited and honored to soon bring to the stage her message “Stop searching for a truth, instead live yours and be free.” She masterfully weaves old soul wisdom, psychological knowledge and pieces of her own story to illustrate and inspire courage to honor your organic truth so you can be free.

EXECUTIVE coaching

Dr. Dea, a seasoned global executive, along with 10+ years of experience as an executive coach brings realism, expertise and results. She works with corporate executives, entrepreneurs, government and business leaders. Her program and approach is profound by offering a safe place to be real, allowing for insights through the discovery of blind spots. Her program and her track record has a proven approach to build trust, momentum, deep insights and accountability. Dr. Dea has coached hundreds of people from around the world, United States, China, Japan, Singapore, Switzerland, Ireland, Austria, Netherlands, Canada, United Kingdom and Spain.

Dr. Dea cares about results so much that she focused her 2010 published dissertation on coaching efficacy: “Coaching Efficacy with Academic Leaders: A psychological phenomenological investigation.”

my book

Dr. Dea has been acknowledged in books that have been written by others, she has written her fair share of articles, her dissertation, and has co-authored several leadership, coaching, and mental health programs for executives, academicians and business professionals.

Now it is her time. She is excited and honored to soon bring to print her life story.


One must know self, in order to lead self.
One must lead self, in order to lead others.

If I change, you change, if we change - they change
— Dr. Dea


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